
Saturday, August 25, 2007


  • The good news is that he followed their protocol when he left.
  • He's staying at my aunt's house in Houston, which was the plan for when he completed the program.
  • He's going to NA meetings every day and has put applications at several places for a job.
I remain very upset with him for doing this, and very discouraged. He still has a court date in December. What he does between now and then will be very crucial.

Thanks to all of you have been praying. We are all hurting right now but we will adjust and move on from here. It's what families do.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Please Pray

Those of you who pray, please pray hard. My son has left the facility where he has been staying. I have not talked to him yet so I don't know what is going on.

Sunday, August 19, 2007


Actually, the words said "Hurricane forming near Gulf. Keep gas tanks full." These are electronic warning signs along the freeway in Houston. One of the news sources called them Amber Alert signs. The first one I see on the way in to Houston is in Winnie and it usually has information about the ferry that goes to Galveston because that is where you would get off the interstate if you wanted to go to Galveston by ferry.

The center where my son is staying has a plan in place. Occasionally I consider asking if he can be released to my aunt if Houston has to evacuate, but then I start to worry that he might get out of the groove and not want to come back. We visited Saturday and he seemed to be okay with whatever they do.

My husband left this morning for a business trip to Las Vegas. Yesterday one of the girls called saying her sister's mother's brother's baby mama works for the weather service and she said that Dean had moved into the Gulf and they were going to order mandatory evacuation Monday morning. She wanted my husband to call the head honcho and tell him. Hubby said he thought maybe she ought to tell that news.

I got all stirred up and tried to check Dean's location online and my computer was slow as molasses so I got a bit annoyed but eventually discovered that Dean was still in the Atlantic.
That is the stuff that bugs me to death when a storm starts to form, all the hype that comes up while we wait to see what will happen. I suppose I should just consider it side show entertainment. I used to, but that was before Rita, before I had actually experienced an evacuation.

We'll know more Tuesday or Wednesday, I think.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Darn It Dean, Stop it With the Deja Vu

Waiting, again. This time, with a queasy feeling in my tummy. Last time, I never would have believed a hurricane would do us as much damage as Rita did.

I've got an email in to my son's counselor asking him if they have an evacuation plan in place, just in case.

Two years ago, Rita looked like she was heading to Houston and then turned toward Louisiana. It's still to early to tell what this one will do.

With my son and other family in Houston, and us in Louisiana, I am a bit antsy.

Saturday, August 11, 2007


No, I'm not worried about anything in particular. I've just been fiddling around with doing collages in my journal again and this is one I did. It is hot around here (like it is in a lot of places) and I feel a bit grumpy so I will hush right now.