
Friday, February 29, 2008

An Important Note to all Three of my Readers!

My email has been out since Monday evening. I have not deserted my blog! And I have not been able to read blogs. I'm posting this from the local library. Hopefully I will be back online by Monday or Tuesday.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Sumo Valentine Wishes

You'll probably have to click on the picture and make it bigger to read the "Happy Valentine's Day" on his waistband. I don't know why it blurred. Anyway, have a lovely day!!

And thanks for all the birthday greetings!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

My Pal the Sumo Wrestler

I thought maybe this photo would make up for me not getting any bootie shots from Mardi Gras. My pal the Sumo Wrestler has an announcement to make: Friday was my birthday. It was a good day, as birthdays go.

(And no, that Happy Birthday message is not really on this guy's bootie! That's a Photoshop trick. He is standing outside the cheap tire store that is up the street from where I work. He is advertising "Sumo Savings" on tires. I see his bootie every day on my home from work. It just cracks me up. As I was mocking my daughter for not seeing this guy on her way to school, she tells me they had a "weird cowboy" waving at everyone last week for the rodeo. I don't know how I managed to miss him, but I did. Guess I have to quit making fun of my daughter for not being observant.)

Happy Birthday to me!

The End

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Mardi Gras

Sorry, no bootie shots this Mardi Gras. I started out to at least get a couple of shots before the parade actually started. I brought my 35 mm film camera and my digital. I wanted to take a few black and whites with the film camera but Walgreen's did not have any black and white film. I went on to Books-a-Million to pick up a book I had ordered. They are located about midway through the parade route. The traffic was already horrendous and people were milling about like ants. I decided to bring myself home and take a nap. Besides it was supposed to rain and the wind was blowing something fierce and it is hot and humid today. We had to turn the air conditioner on last night. See? Just thinking about getting out in all that crowd keeps me from thinking happy, pretty, smiling thoughts!

There is a dark side to Mardi Gras, or at least, I see a dark side. Honestly? I just did not want to get out in that mess this year. I know a lot of people are having a good time and no harm is done, but I tend to see mostly the drunk people or the teenagers walking around stoned and my mind (and heart) takes all that in as a horrible loss and a waste. I've walked too close to the devastation that pills and alcohol can do to enjoy such an event. I think of parents who must be at home worrying about their teenager and wondering if this will be the night they get a phone call from the police, or worse, the hospital. Tonight I say a prayer for these folks who wander aimlessly about the parade route, and for the officers who are out in force trying to keep the worst from happening, and for the people who wait at home for them. May God bless them all and help the lost and hurting to find their way.

I did manage to find a bit of odd beauty in the day. I shot this interesting mushroom in my front yard. It's unique look makes me smile.

Friday, February 01, 2008

Smiley Thoughts

Can you believe January is gone? I sure can't! I am behind on my blog reading and commenting. There has not been much excitement around here. The weather has been crazy, warm one day and cold and wet the next.

I've been trying to think of a theme for February that would encourage me to post more regularly but so far I have not come up with one. For now I will just write about a few things that made me smile...

Tonight I saw the most clever billboard for a Cajun seasoning. There was a picture of the bottle of seasoning and the words, "As seen on Okrah" (I think there might have been a plate of fried okra on the billboard too). I just cracked up.

The last three mornings when I take the dog out, I can hear a rooster crowing somewhere in the distance. I live in the city limits. I have no idea where this rooster lives, but it makes me smile to hear him "cock-a-doodle-doo-ing"!

I remembered the little made up (boring) lullabye I used to sing to my eldest daughter while trying to get her to sleep when she was small...

Close your eyes,

just relax,

think a lot of pretty, happy, smiley thoughts,

and soon you will be dreaming

of rainbows and moonbeams.

I think for February, I will try and focus on thinking a lot of pretty, happy, smiley thoughts while I wait for brighter weather (and dream of rainbows and moonbeams!--Hey, I never said I was a
good lullabye writer!).