
Monday, April 13, 2009

Is Anybody Still Out There??

It's been a while, I know. It's just that I don't feel like I have much worth writing about. And I have been looking at some of your blogs and know I have missed so much. It's hard to think about trying to catch up. I probably won't catch up, to tell you the truth.

My father had a mild heart attack on April 1st. There was little to no damage to his heart. We are very grateful for that. He did have to have three stints put in and is now doing very well.

I've lost a total of 18 pounds and dropped a size or two since I've started having to watch what I eat. I did blood work last week and those numbers were good too. The diabetes is now in what is considered the "well-managed" category. With a little more effort and attention, I can possibly get my numbers down to where it is considered in remission. I have not yet started an exercise program. That would probably jump start things a little more. I do walk nearly every day across campus to get the mail and run other errands, so I am not sitting all day long! I need to get out and buy myself some new pants at least. Mine are starting to get pretty droopy!

There are some serious budget cuts coming at work but I think my job is still fairly safe. Our department is lucky in that we have grant money that can't be cut.

I have not done any photography lately, or worked on any of my artsy-fartsy things. I don't know what's up with that.