
Monday, December 03, 2012


This is Monday of the week before he died on December 8th. We are planning on going to our little place in the country. Our daughters will be there with us. My parents will be there with us. I will probably cook gumbo. We will visit the cemetery. We will plant a "rain tree" in his memory. There will be tears, sweet memories and stories.

When I think of planting a tree in his memory I remember how someone from our church sent us a tree to plant when my brother died in December of 1994. It was a Bradford pear. We had it all planted in the center of the yard, just back from the two big oak trees.

My son would have been seven years old. He had been riding a bike for three or four years by then. On the day I am thinking of, he came rolling into the driveway and said "Look, Mom!" He jumped off the bike without stopping it and thrust his hands into the air while the bike curved around and made a direct hit on my Bradford pear tree, breaking the slender truck off three inches from the ground. What are the odds that the bike would run into the newest most meaningful tree in my yard? I have no idea but my dear son managed to make it happen. He beat the odds on that day.


  1. My prayers are with you and your family. I pray for healing and good times together.

    LOL he wa a typical little boy wasn't he?!?!?!

    I think that it is wonderful that you are planting a tree and remembering. So many people just hide from their emotions. You have chose to walk through them.

    Love you.

    1. Thank you, Mindy! Yes, he was a typical boy in so many ways! I am trying very hard not to hide from these emotions and to feel them and walk on through. I feel good that I am doing that.

  2. Gentlest of hugs to you dear friend across the miles. Will be thinking of you especially this week.

    1. Thank you so much, Hope. My thoughts will be with you also as you continue on your healing path.

  3. Mindy is right about the "walk through them" thing.

    A rain tree sounds like a beautiful thing.

    1. Mindy is a wise woman, isn't she Rach?! The rain tree will grow in an umbrella-like shape and will shade our porch. Here's hoping no little boys ride their bike into it before it gets good and strong!


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