
Friday, January 27, 2006

Thought for the Day

I am struggling through this book, The Meaning of Persons, by Paul Tournier. So far, lots of interesting thoughts that feel way above my head. I am often guilty of devouring books. I have to remind myself to slow down and give myself time to absorb what is being said before rushing on to the next chapter.


  1. good quote. I hadn't thought about that before, but I think it's true - we live in a world that wounds us. We can't be transparent when we feel we must protect ourselves. hm.
    May you be as absorbant as Bounty! (It is the Quicker Picker Upper) heh

  2. that was a transparent comment.....great quote too.

  3. The word "utopia" is actually Greek and its roots are "u" meaning "no" and "topia" meaning place. While we take it to mean Edenic, or an attainment of ideal perfection, it actually denotes no such place exists. Personally, I would say that's true of any true attempt at transparency on our part.......

  4. Thanks y'all. Glad you liked it.


    Queen Bounty
    (the slightly opaque, non-transparent quicker picker-upper)


Don't just sit there staring, say something!