
Tuesday, May 02, 2006

There Will Come a Day

Regina Claire Jane had this quote on her blog today. Though it looks a lot like Big Foot, that is my shadow stretched across the water. I am fascinated with shadows and reflections in photography. How often we snap photos and do not realize what lurks unseen in the viewfinder.

How comforting this thought is to me. For I am first and foremost, a spiritual being. For now, I am limited by flesh and bone, but there will come a day when my spirit will soar beyond these human chains.

And that is the day I was created for.


  1. Wise words.....when you begin to realize that you are not soley made up of the physical, a whole new frame of thinking comes into play. Recent conv. with sister in law over my hubbys last days, doesn't like to remember him sick, spent the last 7 yrs forgetting. I told her, look into his eyes (pictures) and you will see him, not what his body had become, and when you see him, you will see love. That's all you see.

  2. Tis so true Ayekah. Sometimes we forget how enduring our spirit is.

  3. Aww... thanks for the link, Annie. I have just been going through so much stuff spiritual wise that I found this saying appropriate for me. I thought I had lost my spiritual being but it was really there all along... "I" was just getting in the way of it.
    The picture is great, too...
    And Ayekah, really, the eyes lead us to the soul of a person- it was beautiful what you said about hubby...

  4. One of my students posted a reminder that the physical world only exists because spiritual reality pre-exists it. How easy it is for us to get turned around. Maybe that is a part of Jesus' plan in using parables. We already relate to the physical world, but he wants us to observe the spiritual reality which underlies it.

  5. Annie, I love your blog! I especially like the poem and the pictures of your yard after the storm, which I assume was Katrina. I know how you feel, after just having had a really bad hurricane where I live too and all the fences are mismatched and the trees are all gone here too. I hope we dont have to go through it all again this year. Oh my goodness, my word verification is HUGCAT! I love that!

  6. This is one of my favorite sayings! It goes perfectly with your photo, too! (and I LOVE your "shadow portraits")

  7. your pics are SO good :)

    be blessed

  8. Beautiful, Annie. I want to get a bird shadow, but they disappear to fast.

  9. Thanks y'all. It seems I have been tangled up in my human chains again the last few days (my son is sliding too close to the edge again and I am working hard not to panic). I have been trying to remember that we all are spiritual beings.


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