
Saturday, November 04, 2006

Scenes From St. Lucia

I think these are all from St. Lucia. I thought I had a foolproof (and lazy) way to keep myself organized on what was what in my photos, but my system turned out to be somewhat flawed. Nevertheless, the scenery was gorgeous.

It is hard to imagine just how massive this ship was.

It was huge. I believe this is the "butt end", aft, they call it, of the ship. It took a day or two for me to learn my aft from my forward end. That was important to know because our room was on the aft end. What does it say that I would rather see where I have been than where I am going?

I'm going to write more eventually. And I have a few potentially humorous and entertaining shots. It is just that I am in a slump right now for some reason and even blogging does not seem much like fun.

I'll be around. . .


  1. Ahhh ... glad to see that you were able to get in a butt shot. You're known for that, you know!

    :-D Lovely photos! Hope you get over the after the vacation (or whatever) blues!

  2. A lot of people I know don't know there fore from the included sometimes. The pictures are looks just wonderful.

  3. I think you may need a vacation from your vacation, is all! Love the pics!

  4. Linda I thought you might appreciate the butt shot angle! There are a few more to come.

    Ayekah Yeah, seems like that is a common problem, not just seen on ships, huh?

    ReginaClareJane You may be right...or maybe I just need a longer vacation?

  5. It's hard to imagine that, after a fling in paradise, bloggin's no longer fun. "Aft", by the way, just refers to which direction you're going. The "butt end" is called the "stern"......Then, again, it's been over forty years since my Navy days.

  6. Next cruise, consider Alaska. The beauty of southeast Alaska as you voyage north from British Columbia is breathtaking. I saw many cruise ships in Juneau, a harbor so deep the massive ships can pull right up to the docks.

  7. Jim I guess you've got a point there!

    C.E. I have heard Alaska is beautiful. That is one my husband would like to take.

  8. Those are really beautiful shots. Don't worry about the bloggin' blues. It will pass.

  9. My mom goes on an Alaskan cruise every year.

  10. they build ships (cruiselines) here in Finland - and they are even more enormous when they aren't floating. Amazing


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