
Monday, December 04, 2006

All Dressed Up and No Place to Go

The keeper of the blog slipped up and forgot her second blogaversary!

What was she thinking?

Obviously, she was not.



  1. What? A brand new beautiful webpage and you forgot your own blogaversary? For SHAME!!!

    May I be the first to say thank you for being here! You lighten my life on a daily basis - not to mention inspire me with your strength.

  2. I caught up with you today. I was happy to see your whole face. I think I never had before. So, Hey! Happy Blogaversary.

  3. Thanks Jules!, thank you very much. Your freshness inspires me, especially on my cynical days.

    Rach Thank you girl. You can keep feeding my fantasy, I don't really rock, but I like pretending I do!

    Cyndi Thanks I'm glad you stopped in! The whole face display was an exercise in bravery!

  4. oh, and yes indeed you WERE thinking.... you were simply thinking about something ELSE. :o)

    P.s. my word verification word is wdgyes.
    So, Wedgies to you, too! haha

  5. Happy Blogiversary! It's been so great knowing you these last two years!

  6. Happy two years, Annie. I know it's been an enjoyable ride on my part since I bumped into this site. The wife is into figurines, also, possessing a bunch of Precious Moments and a few Hummels we bought when stationed in Europe nearly forty years ago. I think the most expensive one cost me at the time about nine dollars......

  7. Thanks Captainwow I love the pic of baby Sam! You're right, I was thinking...of something.

    Wedgies right back atcha!

    Thanks Regina Clare Jane It has been fun!

    Thank you Ayekah

    Jim I am glad you have stuck around. I've got a few Hummels too, all purchased in my BC era...before children!!

  8. Happy belated anniversary! You make me think.


Don't just sit there staring, say something!