
Friday, January 19, 2007

Light!! On the Horizon!!

Tomorrow will make three weeks since we dropped my son off at the rehab in Houston. We've all been writing letters and this was the week when he could begin to write us. My aunt, who lives in Houston got the first letter yesterday!

He wrote that he was glad he made the decision to go there, the food is good, the beds are comfortable and he is learning about patience, tolerance and acceptance!!

I am so grateful...


  1. That is terrific news...amazing how time flies. I really do pray for your boy and the work that he is doing there.

    Your gratitude resonates...

  2. Annie, that just made my whole day! I'm so happy and excited for you and for your son. I will continue to lift your family up in prayer and cannot wait for the day when you can welcome him back home.

    How glorious!

  3. Praise the Lord! good news. I'll keep prying for him, and your other kid(s).

  4. Thanks y'all, for the prayers and the continued encouragement. I am so thrilled and hopeful for him.

  5. Annie, I know I stopped here before and thought I had left a comment, but evidently either had problems with blogspot or got interrupted before finalizing. Good to hear things appear to be working for your son. Still in my prayers as the Spirit leads.....

  6. Good news indeed! I am glad that your son is feeling so positive about his experience!
    I only hope and pray for continued success for your son!

  7. Thanks for letting us know, Annie. We are all so happy for you.

  8. Jim Thanks for the continuing prayers. Blogger still gives me problems when commenting. The worst is when the letters for the word verification do not show up.

    Thanks Regina Clare Jane!

    Thanks to you too, David.

  9. me too Annie, me too!! So glad and hopefully you will feel your burden a little lighter in the knowing.


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