
Friday, March 09, 2007

Patti's Student

I finished this thing a couple of days ago and was not ready to put it up, was not sure it would speak to anyone else, but then I read Patti's post about one of her students.

In writing the text for this picture, I'd been thinking about that legacy of abuse, whether it is physical or emotional, how it gets threaded into the fabric of a family and it is darn near impossible to overcome. Add poverty and lack of education to the mix and it really gets to looking totally hopeless.

I thought of that comforting old song "Will the Circle Be Unbroken?" and how some unfortunate people might actually desire that the circle be broken and then it just seemed right to ask "will the cycle e'er be broken?" and the answer, most of the time, is a resounding "no, it won't". It is a thread that just spirals down through the generations, wreaking havoc.

How do you end something like that? How do you bring healing to a child who has never known a healthy and loving family relationship? There are no easy answers.


  1. What a great photo Annie, and what a great way to express that message. I haven't read Patti's post but will do so pronto. As one who lives in the rural south and bears witness to that cyclic abuse and I too wonder your same thoughts. And my answer is the same as yours.

  2. Annie, how cool is that? Yes, this boy has been hurt, and he HURTS me - everyday. It's draining to be with a kid who tries to make me a victim all day long. Thank you for this.

  3. Your art makes sense of the senseless.

    Thank you.

  4. Annie, I too was touched by Patti's post and had no helpful words to offer. Thank you for this post which addresses the issue. One reason it is vital to us to spend time with God is so that we will be capable of (filled with) love for the needy. It IS draining to show love. When we do it on our own, we run out of gas, don't we?

  5. This and Patty's post touched me deeply and could make me feel hopeless...but WE can't can we, lose hope...we have to be so focused on Him that He can do what needs to be done...or at least right now that's what I'm telling myself.....thanks

  6. Great way of moving perspectives, Annie; and one that many of us might, no doubt, ask ourselves from your point of view. I'd bet I'd like to sit in your Sunday School class.......

  7. says A LOT to me - we learnt that phrase in counselling training and it stuck with me because it's so true.

    The cycle ends with Jesus and a new one begins.

    I've been thinking of the symbol of the fish (used by Christians) <>< and how the circle of the front seems closed (trapped) until you stand back and see the whole.

    thanks for the encouragement about the puppies - they are so adorable - all SEVEN of them - and doing ok so far, though the youngest is only 6 hours old as I write


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