
Monday, September 24, 2007

Making New Memories, Walking New Ground

Two years ago today...Rita. This photo was taken a month or two after the storm. Most of the debris was cleared away and the foundation was swept clean. Many people in Cameron Parish still live in FEMA trailers. There are still places around town where you can see that repairs have not been completed. I've seen commercials for a hotline number where you can call and talk about the storm and things. People in general seem to be recuperating and getting on with their lives.

I remember being fascinated with watching how people handled things after the storm. We all have storms in our lives, don't we?

We spent the weekend with my son, the first time we've been over there since he left the program. It was his birthday Saturday and we barbecued at my sister's on Sunday. I had all three of my kids together in one place. That doesn't happen much anymore. My parents were also in town for my father's eye checkup (all went well) so it was a big to-do. It was a good weekend.

Many thanks to all of you who have been so supportive with your comments. I have been neglectful in responding but they mean so much to me and I appreciate each one of you.


  1. Wow! Two years! I can hardly believe it.

    Glad to hear your son is still doing well, Annie. I continue to keep you all in my prayers.

  2. you sounds good
    that's good to hear!

  3. Oh I am glad ya'll had a good weekend together! I am sure you all needed it!

    Still praying.

  4. Well, I am glad to see you surface for air there girl!! Glad your weekend went well and happy to hear the update on your Dad's eye too!
    It is hard to believe it's been two years. Sometimes it doesn't seem like much changes. Not even the landscape.

  5. Hey, I didn't have to jump through six hoops to post tonight. I should go around and say hey to everyone!

  6. God gives little blessings, doesn't He? Glad you had eyes to see this weekend...

    I sent you an iTunes gift; let me know if it came through....

    much love..

  7. I hope you guys get together again soon!

  8. Still checking in, Annie. This year's school assignment is about a killer, though, and with the house still "full", my time on this computer is down to early morning minutes and late evening brain drains. Good to find you putting the pieces together and leaning on Him.....

  9. I am also glad that you had a good family gathering. We all need those from time to time. Thanks for posting.


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