
Sunday, December 23, 2007

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to All

I made Christmas cards using this image. I was a little slow finishing my job. I hope to get them in the mail tomorrow!


  1. Merry Christmas to you and yours, Annie. Round these parts, we sometimes speak of "rednecks", but the term usually implies no more than some self-macho-imaged hill-william with a shotgun in his truck, a six-pack of beer on the seat, and an aversion to work.....

  2. I love it.

    Merry Christmas, Annie. Merry Christmas!

  3. and I would treasure a card like that if I received it. I love the quote. And the picture... it's beautiful.

  4. I remember that picture, it's so cool.

  5. This one is way better than the cards in the stores...The ones in the stores suck, except the one I saw with a really big-eyed cat that was kinda funny.

    Hope Christmas was kind to you and all of yours.

  6. You aren't the only one who was a little late. ha ha! I love this card - a lot!

  7. Hope y'all enjoyed your Christmas!

    Cathy Your card will be in the mail tomorrow or the next day.

    If anyone else sees this and wants a card mailed to them, let me know your snail mail address and I will send you one (as long as supplies last!).


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