
Saturday, August 30, 2008

Decision Made

After much debate, we are heading to my sister's house in Houston around 1:00 A.M. tonight, heeding a recommended evacuation. They have put off the decision for a mandatory evacuation until tomorrow at noon. I will be surprised if they don't order everyone out, so we are going to get ahead of the game a bit. We were going to the country like we did after Rita but the forecast looks like they may get a lot more wind and rain than they did last time.

We'll be near Flutterby's sister (Bacliff, Flutterby) in the Clear Lake area if she did not have to evacuate.

And Rach, if we have to leave Houston, can I bring my daughter, and my parents and my sister and her husband and my other two kids and my aunt, and one nephew and probably his girfriend? And oh yeah, SEVEN dogs??? Thanks so much for the hospitable offer!!

I'll be back when I can.

(Edited to add: I meant to leave the link to the TV station in case any of you are interested in seeing what is going on.--


  1. Praying, for safe travel during a hectic time.. praying hard...

  2. Wowie. I am so glad you're getting out of there but still worried about the Houston folks. Hub has been busy all day and FEMA tried to tell him he needed to get to Denton (FEMA headquarters) *tomorrow* and he told them they seriously needed to re-think it... he's headed there Tuesday anyway. Have a safe trip and keep in touch so we know you're ok.

  3. Aiieee! I'm glad you're getting away for a bit -- I've been thinking about you all evening, once I finally watched the news. Sheesh! Keep safe!
    :-) (And if you want to come to Tennessee for a visit, we hardly ever have hurricanes here ....)

  4. You were my first and often thought when I heard of the projections. God hold you.

  5. Annie, no kidding, the city 50 miles south of where Rachel, Mindy, and I live is preparing to house Gustav refugees. If you make it that far, let us know.

  6. Good luck! And I'm praying.

  7. No worries, annie! You can stay with me, the rest of the clan can stay with Mindy and David will keep all the dogs. Haaaaa!

  8. I've been for for you all day today with the storm making landfall. Glad you decided to take off, there have been storms here were I wish I would have... :)

  9. Flutterby-- We're home now.

    Linda-- I'll have to add Tennessee to my list of possible evacuation sights!

    Cynthia-- Thanks.

    David-- Thanks, we did all right in Houston this time around, but I guess I need to think of other options for the future!

    Thanks, Patti. We are home now, and no worse for the wear.

    Rach That sounds like a brilliant plan!! (And I know you dotted all your "i's" and crossed all your "t's" by getting Mindy and David to sign off on that plan!)

    Ayekah-- I appreciate the prayers. I hope you don't have to run anyways soon.

  10. Oh, yeah. Totally. They're both givers. I'm sure they'd like nothing better.

    Mostly sure.

    I think so.


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