
Saturday, November 27, 2010


I was goofing off this afternoon, reading old posts and realized that six years ago today, on this very day, I posted my first post on this blog! Hard to believe it has been that long ago. Happy Blogaversary to me!

I really was poking around trying to figure out what it was that I used to write about and trying to figure out how to get back into the habit of blogging regularly. I have been doing the NaBloPoMo (every day except Thanksgiving) but those posts have been more posts for quantity rather than quality.

I took a Leisure Learning class a couple of weeks ago that was supposed to be about how to create greeting cards in Photoshop. I really did not learn anything new and the class was a bit disappointing. My jump drive that had my photos on it did not open on the computer I was using so I was forced to find a couple of gorgeous images to combine and this was the result of my being bored in class. Since I observed this is my sixth blogaversary, I thought it an appropriate image to include.

At the beginning of the class, when the instructor discovered the computer would not let her have the images off HER jump drive, she had us pull Christmas images from Google to use. Nary a word was said about copyright issues. I did not approve of that sin of omission. I was a bit wary of posting these images but I think I have distorted them enough that they are not easily recognizable (and I am not even sure about the ethics of saying it is okay if you distort the images beyond recognition). Anyway, she had us get a Christmas hat, a Christmas baby or animal picture, and a Christmas stocking. Well, when I got bored and realized I was not going to learn much more than I already had, and I'd finished playing with the traditional Christmas card motifs, I decided to do something a little bit different. Actually, I did not decide that, it just happened.

Here is the result:

I really love the pig with the Christmas hat! Sorry both images are so small. I am not sure what I did to them. 


  1. I love your little pig too!

    Happy Blogaversary! 6 whole years!

  2. Six years? Incredible! And I love that first image!

    Glad I've gotten to "know" you through this, annie. You are an inspiration!

  3. Diane,
    From what we learned about copyright law (which is not enough to keep you out of court if someone wants you there), if you take images and significantly change them you are in fair use. The fact that you combined several and changed size and perspective, creating something new is probably ok. Also, to be sued, you would have to profit in some way or cause the other person to lose money in some way.
    A student read a book on copyright and reported on it recently. This and my communications law and ethics course are the source of my very sketchy advice. :)

  4. Happy 6th, annie!! Cute piggy!


  5. Thanks so much y'all. I am glad to have "met" each of you!

    Cyn, that is pretty close to my understanding of copyright law too.


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