
Monday, December 20, 2010


I really like the blurred exuberance of the angel in the background of this photo. I got a new lens and was trying it out on my mother's Christmas tree. 

Then I went into Photoshop and tried to add some texture to the photo. I am not entirely sure I like the results. I have not been playing around as much in Photoshop as I'd like to be doing.

I got behind on the December prompts. I haven't decided whether I am going to jump back in where they are or try to go back and catch up on what I have missed. Some of the questions are asking for more than I want to share! But they are really good things to help evaluate the coming year, and to consider for the coming year. 


  1. I like them both but #1 is my favorite. My word is joy.

  2. My word fro 2010 was joy, too. I love them both, but when deciding which one to hang on my wall, I would choose the 2nd. Nice work!

  3. Is it OK if I borrow this? I will attribute it, of course. I'm doing a series of finding my joy posts.

  4. Cool for both of you that your word was joy! I'm thinking this is a picture of how I'd like 2011 to look.

    Patti, feel free to use the photo. I sent you an email but I am not sure it is a current address.


Don't just sit there staring, say something!