
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

You Are Not Alone

I still remember how comforting it felt when the old guy at the teen rehab center bent down to look me in the eye and tell me "you are not alone" and then bent down and reminded my surly son as well. He was busy doing what he had to do, guiding my son and his suitcase to the back so my son could change clothes and he could check the suitcase for contraband. We'd never been through that before, my son and I, and it meant the world to me that the old man stopped and made eye contact with each us to tell us we were not alone. I was scared to death at what I was doing.

And that is today's lesson in this Ordinary Courage course I am taking: You are not alone.

It never hurts to be reminded.


  1. How profound Diane... and how comforting those words can be... thanks for posting this.

  2. Thanks, Lori. I've sure come a far piece down the road since that time.

  3. amen to that.

    eye contact is one of the most powerful, powerful thing.

  4. That hurts my heart.

    Thank goodness for people who still deal in kindness.

  5. I agree, Spooky. It sometimes makes me uncomfortable. I'm trying to do better with it.

    Amen to that, Mindy! We never know what small kindness will make someone's day.

  6. I feel tiny tonight. Not exactly alone bi not taken care of. I needed this right now.

  7. Cyn, I'm glad it was helpful. I hope you are feeling more taken care of today.

  8. I need ordinary courage... Thanks! :)

  9. Also, the photo made me laugh!


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