
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Adaptation and Reflection

I really enjoyed getting out in the fresh air today and taking pictures.

I'm calling this one adaptation. I was going to call it something like "ensnared" or "codependent" but I decided I wanted to keep a positive focus!

It just turned out that I was in the right place at the right time for this photo. We were just about to leave when I spotted the reflection of the bridge in the water and wandered over to check it out. 

It seems I was in the mood for reflective photos today! We had a little cool spell and my youngest daughter and I decided we wanted to get out and get some fresh air. We got a late start, we didn't get to the park till around 4, but it turned out to be a great time to be there taking photos because of the good light at that time of day.

I really think this is one of my favorite images from the day. There is something about the bulbous shape of the tree and its reflection, along with the red of the leaves.

Reflections, reflections! My sister says she sees Sasquatch over there in the background! 

Another calming image of a calming place for me to be. I have not been here since I went with my nephew in December of 2009 to take pictures. I suppose it would do me good to remember this resource I have in my own backyard! 

Maybe times like these, where you can walk in a peaceful place and see nature's beauty and be distracted from your own problems, maybe these are healing times and should be embraced as snugly as that vine is embracing the tree in that first picture!  I knew there was something important in that picture for me! 

Oh how loving is the embrace of grace!


  1. Maybe the positive word is "integrated." the new thing has become a prt of the old and they are living as one now.

  2. Oh were there at the right time. They are all beautiful pictures.

  3. those are awesome.... when I get my pc on I'm going to stick those in my Annie folder. :)

  4. These are lovely, annie. I see Sasquatch, too!



Don't just sit there staring, say something!