
Saturday, June 09, 2012

Meeting SpookyRach

One of the reasons I keep writing here is because it is an outlet for me, a way to put down some of my stories and thoughts and observations. It’s not so much a journal as is my written journal (and for some reason, I have not written there so much since my son died) but it is a repository of the stories that are uniquely mine (and yet, I find, are also shared by many others). I realized this as I reread the whole blog over several days while putting categorical “labels” on most of the posts. I knew then that if nobody else ever read what is written here, or commented on it, the blog would still hold value for me as a sort of "memory box," evidence of a life; my life.

But the other reason I continue to write here is because I seek connections with others who are creative, or are hurting, or who value growth in whatever form that takes for them.  And, amazingly enough, I have made a few! One of the things on my “Unofficial Bucket List” is to meet some (several, as many as I can?) of my blogging friends in real life. 

This past Tuesday, June 5, 2012, that is exactly what I did! I met SpookyRach! In the cemetery! We took pictures! It was so much fun! I brought along a real life friend who had also hit it off with Rachel and really, we had a blast.

In real life, I don't do well at meeting new people (although in so many ways, Rach is not new to me). I am very quiet, and it takes me a while to warm up to people and start talking. I was not worried, but very curious about how it would go. What if we had nothing to say to each other? What if we didn’t hit it off at all? What if she really was an axe murderer? Silly me! I brought along a real life friend who had also hit it off with Rachel online and really, we had a blast.

We stayed in the cemetery (actually, it was SEVEN cemeteries in one area) for quite a while taking pictures and talking and getting extremely hot. It was funny how quickly we went from "just a little awkward” to settling into a groove and feeling like we had all seen each other just last week at some other cemetery. SpookyRach and my friend Denise are quite entertaining in the cemetery. We left around one, looking for lunch, where we met her family. They are just as delightful and personable as Rachel is. 

I’ve been blogging since 2004 and I’ve finally had a blogger meet-up! I hope eventually to get to have many more. 

Rach, it was so much fun to finally meet you, and getting to meet your precious family was lagniappe (I won’t tell anyone about the hugging, won’t mention anything about your sweet and friendly demeanor….).
(So many of the statues in these cemeteries have been damaged over the years by various storms. This poor woman had no thumbs (wish I'd look around to see if I could have found either of them laying on the ground-that would have been a cool, and most appropriate!, memento of the trip!) and both her hands were wired together. I put them in black and white here, and may eventually do some sort of "thang" with them. I'll probably try to post more photos here soon. I have another couple of blog posts brewing in my head and want to devote more of my time to blogging. If you are interested, I have the deal set up at the top right column where you can sign up to receive new posts by email...)


  1. I agree -we had a blast! Thanks so much for keeping mum about the hugging and that lady who though we were "safe". Ha! I'd say more but i'm stewing on a blog post of my own. (Here's hoping i remember to sign up for the emails when i get home to the computer.)

  2. I really did keep mum about the lady! Can't wait to read your post! I've got links here on my blog and can wee when something new is posted but since some are posting so rarely anymore, maybe getting new posts in the email is the way to go!

    1. I also don't understand where my picture went in my little avatar box (or whatever it is called). I need to work on that.

  3. I'm also a slow-warmer, but it was the best day I've had in a long time, and, after the first few minutes, it was just... us. The Kid and The Man are both absolutely adorable, as is Rach. (Good thing we didn't say so, huh.)

    So glad I got to tag along. Cemeteries, pelicans, dolphins, and amazingly awesome friends. Good times, indeed.


    1. It was fun, Denise. I'm very glad you came along! And that was what worried me a teeny bit, two slow warmers coming over from Louisiana, what if Rachel was a slow warmer too?? :)

  4. I woke up this morning with the phrase 'held together with baling wire' looping in my head. It took me until now to realize why...

    1. Hee hee! Whatever it takes, sometimes, whatever it takes!


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