
Wednesday, July 25, 2012


I heard a priest say he tries to leave room for mystery when he preaches. I like knowing there is room somewhere for mystery.

The reason the "still small voice" says "Chill" is because I heard a preacher say that he often senses God telling him to chill. Some of those preacher types can be rather intense! Sometimes, I think if I'd quit fretting long enough about what it is I am supposed to be doing, I might also hear God hinting around that I too need to chill!

I was in a lecture on the Serenity Prayer with a Cajun priest who interspersed his talk with common Cajun terms that I vaguely understood, but could not spell here, and he said, "Some of y'all need to lighten up" and while he was saying that he pulled his shirt up to show us his t-shirt with the bright yellow smiley face on it and a Bible verse!

I don't know what direction I am going with this blog. It most often seems to work best when I just open the window and start letting words flow.

I've been thinking again about putting my blog "out there" on Facebook. It seems like a growing thing for me to do. When I do it, I will certainly have to get over worrying about what people think about what I say or do here. I'll simply have to get over myself, won't I?


  1. Hey! Sit down with me and Captain Kirk at the helm of the Enterprise and go where "no man has gone before"! Just kidding, Annie; but I do like the sound of just "opening the window and let the words flow". Facebook, for me at the present, is just a place I go to place Scrabble. It certainly is, however, where one finds the mainstream of humanity....

    1. Thanks, Jim! Facebook has been kind of good in that it has connected me with old friends with whom I'd lost touch, but I still waste too much time with it...

  2. Be who you are. Anyone who can't handle it can just take their ball and go home.


    1. That is the way it should be, D! But you know me! I'm trying to do better...better I am trying to do! :)

  3. It's hard for me to keep other people out of my head while writing, knowing who may be reading. It makes me think more and I guess that's not a bad thing.

    1. No, thinking is not a bad thing, as long as I don't let it paralyze me! :)


Don't just sit there staring, say something!