
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A Moment of Life

My parents, walking through the woods. I was following behind them with the camera trying to get a good shot with both of them lined up clearly. This is the best I could do. I am grateful for the light they have brought into my life.

Last night I was in another set of woods and saw a bunch of fireflies (we called them "lightning bugs" when we were kids). It had been years since I'd seen any of these magical little creatures. It was another sweet little moment of life. I was inspired to wax poetic...


Her child self grins as she watches
fireflies twinkling into the smothering darkness
of  the woods,

while her grownup self blinks back tears
and breathes a prayer of thanks for the light
in her darkness.

(Gallery 17 of the 52 Photos Project is "A Moment of Life." Check out other moments here.)


  1. Beautiful photo. How fortunate you are to have your parents to spend time with you! I love your poem. It's poignant.

    1. Thank you! I am indeed fortunate to have them!

  2. Very interesting, I love the framing and light between the trees. Greetings.

  3. Sending you love, dear heart.
    I love what you have captured here. xo

  4. a special that you're walking in the woods with your parents.

  5. It's truly the little things in life that carry us through, isn't it? What a sweet memory for you...

  6. Short, but heart-felt post, Annie. I really like the lines you put to verse. Don't ever do any research on "lightening bugs", though, as the truth behind all that evening glitter may disenchant some of those childhood memories...

    1. Thanks, Jim! You know I now have to check things out on the lightning bugs, don't you?

  7. I love how light was the theme of both your photograph and poem regarding moments in life. Blessings!

  8. beautiful poem and sweet moment that you captured of your parents.

  9. I love this shot of your parents, of how protective your father appears behind your mother. Beautiful.


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