
Sunday, October 07, 2012

What is Lacking?

(My contribution to Gallery 24 of the 52 Photos Project, Orange. It turned out to be more reddish than orange but I'm okay with that. I need to figure out how to make the words show up more clearly. It would probably be okay once printed out but my printer is on the fritz.)

I read this in a book I've been reading. I suppose it is a good question to consider, especially if one is in a stressful place. It's designed to bring you into the present, to help you focus on what is needed right now. I think it also helps you avoid moving toward the drama of imagining all the "what ifs" and alternate scenarios we tend to create when we are stressed or frightened, the dramas that tend to paralyze us.

Asking myself this question also sometimes leads me to gratitude. I think that is a good thing.


  1. Another gem and another well-timed message!

    I think my answer would always be classified as something wished for rather than something absent-but-necessary. Reminds me of something I read a while back... something to the effect that, if you are here in the present moment, you have had everything you needed to reach this point. I didn't really like it, but it certainly interfered with a lot of the 'if only' thoughts.


    1. Thanks, D!

      That's been mostly my experience when I ask this question-I usually know nothing is really lacking and I am grateful. But sometimes you really have to drill down and be totally in the present moment to BELIEVE that!

  2. Wow! This is not only a striking photograph, but it carries a a very poignant question. Blessings!

  3. Lovely photo and a thought provoking question.

  4. Wonderful, yes, it's a good thing.

  5. hi, i always tend to thank God every moment i remember my "what if's" ... and it always works to make me move on ... thank you for sharing.

  6. That is a good question to bear in mind. Usually, I'm the problem in the spiritual equation. =) To be literal, and yet not, in the photo, there is no one to wear the jewel, and no one to appreciate the beauty in the eye of the beholder. In life, it's often the same. Beautiful things live and die and are never noticed. Beautiful people live and die and are never noticed.

    1. Thanks! I know what you mean about being the problem! I love your thoughts on the jewel.

      It would be a sad thing to live and die unnoticed. We keep our loved ones alive and noticed in our memories, don't we?

  7. Such a great question ... to slow down, stop, and ponder.

  8. Very pretty photo. Just reading the quote slowed me way down!

  9. This is lovely. I'm asking myself this often: what do I need right now?
    Thank you for sharing.

  10. I love this idea too of having reminders to take us out of the what ifs and bring us back into the present moment. I have a photo of stacked rocks on my desk that is my reminder. I got the idea from "the creative mind" book.

    1. It's always good to be brought back into the present moment, isn't it?

  11. It's a great thing to think when stressed! And I love the shades of orange mixed in with the yellow...very autumn-ish looking.

  12. with each visit you teach me something profound and deep. You have an amazing capacity for growth, it's almost as if you attract it and then it clings to you and that's very beautiful. happy Sunday to you Annie.


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