
Sunday, January 06, 2013

Looking Up

I've been thinking about some sort of personal creative project I can do in the coming year, partly to keep an incentive to post regularly on my blog.

Well, ta-da!

The first one will involve monthly photos of a tree. Not just any tree, but the tree we planted on the year anniversary of my son's death. That project will be called (and tagged) "Tyler's Tree: A Year in the Life."

The second project will be called (and tagged) "52 Verbs." A month or so ago, I created a list of verbs. I wasn't sure what I was going to to do with them, but I had a couple of ideas so I went ahead and made my list so it would be ready when the rest of the idea showed up! I have 106 words on my list, so I will have plenty enough not to be stuck with a "dud" verb through the year. I'm going to write the words down on separate pieces of paper and each week, I am going to pull one out of the stack. That will be my verb to focus on that week. I'm not sure how what I will do each week. I already have this week sort of figured out in my head and I will "wing it" from there. I might do an ATC card or a "thang" or I might just write about the word. We'll just have to see what happens.

I also plan to keep on participating in Bella's "52 Photos Project," or, perhaps more accurately, to return to participating in that project, as I have slacked off in the last few weeks.

I have more that I want to write about the silent retreat and a few other things that have happened, or have come to me, over the holidays.


  1. I am going to love watching Tyler's tree grow in the coming year!!

    Wanna share your verbs?

    1. Mindy, it looks pitiful right now. I had green leaves on it but the transplanting and the cold have turned them brown. Hopefully it will look better when springs comes around.

      I sent the verb list to you, Mindy. It's alphabetized and everything.

  2. Me too! ANd what a great idea, How is the world did you decide to create a list of all those verbs. That would be a brain bender. But what a great idea. Hmmm.... maybe I oughta....

    1. I sent you the list, Lori! And I let y'all in on a little secret--I started my list and when I couldn't think of any more words, I googled and found some lists to peruse!

  3. These are really good ideas. I love reading about/looking at the things other people are doing because sometimes it inspires me. I love the verbs idea! I think I might steal it - uh, borrow!!! :)

    I love words.

    And I can't wait to watch Tyler's Tree.

    1. Borrow away, Lord knows I borrowed the idea of the word list! Here's to inspiration!


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