
Sunday, January 27, 2013


I have not written much about my experience at the silent retreat I took on the weekend of December 14th. I had surgery the Tuesday after that and then the holidays sort of took over.

But in thinking about this week's verb, renew, I remembered one of the statues where I spent a good deal of time meditating and reading and praying and listening.

It was a statue of Lazarus unwrapping his grave clothes. I think this statue is done by the same person who has done statues in a cemetery/mausoleum near my house where I have taken pictures once. The statues sort of creep me out and draw me in at the same time. I didn't do a great job with the photos. I only had my phone and the light was not quite right.

Lazarus, removing his grave clothes. Renewed.

Me, walking through some pretty tough stuff and slowly emerging, renewed and stronger than ever.

Yeah, renew. It's a good verb. And a very good experience.

I looked at Lazarus and I wondered, what are some of the grave clothes I wear that encumber me and still keep me bound so that I can't move and live as I'd like to move and live?

I looked at Lazarus and I marveled, man it feels good to be freed from some of that tangled mess.

I looked at Lazarus and I knew, there is still more work to be done. But I am on the road to renewal and growth.

And I am grateful.


  1. That is a cool statue.

    Renew is good. It's gonna be spring sooner or later. :)

    1. Thanks! Yep, it will be spring soon enough, and I will be glad, but I still want a little cold weather in February!@

  2. Good one Rach.... sooner or later.... for sure.
    He stinketh. My favorite line....
    This statue is kind of strange... it is difficult to tell where and how he is bound... but maybe that's like us, blind to our own bindings, our own tangled messes... yes renew is a good word for the simple reason that you went to seek, perhaps that... renewal

  3. It really is hard to be new again while bound with old such and alls.


    1. I agree, Lori! It's a terribly slow process at times, too!

  4. Oh man.....what grave clothes am I wearing? I had never thought about that.

    I am glad for renewal. I am even more glad for you.

  5. Renewal. I'm working on it now myself. But, wait... is it still renewal if you are working on being different and behaving/thinking differently rather than just starting again?

  6. Not so sure the statue does much or me, Annie; but I do like the words you share in your analysis of it......

  7. I like the idea of that statue but never thought of Lazarus in a renewal sense before. Love hearing your perspective and journey, annie.

  8. It's so awesome to hear you speak from this viewpoint! As for the Lazarus never occurred to me he'd even BE in graveclothes. I guess I hadn't thought about it that much. Now you have me pondering...

    1. Thanks, Jules! Someone pointed out to me that in the Bible story, Jesus told someone else to remove his graveclothes....

  9. What a wonderful way to think of that statue... renewal! Thanks for letting me know this was here. It's wonderful to have a piece of art to help us reflect and unravel what is in us. That was your spiritual director! That statue...

    1. I'd never thought of it that way, Ginny! Interesting perspective! I plan to visit the statue again when I return there!


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