
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Tyler's Tree: March

I know it doesn't look like much but if you look closely, you can see signs of new growth. This tree looks about the way I feel lately! It's sort of hard to believe there is new life rising out of that stick. But it's there and spring is coming!

I also noticed when I was editing these photos that the pictures I took in January of Tyler's tree show branches. The pictures I've taken lately show just a stick coming up out of the ground. I don't know if something broke the branches off or what. I am going to investigate the next time I am there.

We created a primitive bed around the tree. There was a large stump there, with roots, left over from a sweet gum tree that died. We planted ferns and a few flowers and bulbs in there. According to my mother, the things we planted will spread and grow over the roots. We also put a couple of bird baths in that area. I'm trying hard to get a way to get the birds closer so I can get pictures of them. We shall see what happens.

Next time I go, the two huge azalea bushes should be blooming and with any luck, we will find a couple of wild dogwoods blooming as well.

I keep trying to make myself forget the prospects of running into Mr. Snake again on my trail. I'm not doing well with that project!


  1. I see it, annie! The new growth, that is. Not the snake.

    1. I'm glad you see it! That means it is not all in my head!

  2. Cool. I keep trying to leave comments here, but they don't seem to publish. Hopefully this one will. So, hey! How're you? Nice pictures. Azaleas and dogwood will be pretty.


    1. I'm sorry they aren't publishing, LVC. I'm doing relatively well, how are you doing? I miss your presence!

  3. The buds speak of promise, Annie; and the way you describe the location give image of serenity. He is at work in your life. You always give me a smile when I stop here....


Don't just sit there staring, say something!