
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

52 Photos Project, Week Six: Uncommon Shapes

We see this sight every time we make our drive to the country. And since we go after work on Friday, the light is gorgeous when we pass. This photo does not do the scene justice! I notice it every single time and I have been saying that I'd like to stop and take a few photos of the sight. A couple of weekends ago, my husband pulled off to the side of the road and I got out and took pictures. Technically speaking, this is not a "spot on" photo. The highlights are blown out a bit. But I still like it and I can pretend I blew out the highlights on purpose!

I'd said something similar to this to a friend in email one day and it was suggested the words would do well in a "thang" and I immediately decided I'd like to use this photo. What I did was to make the photo reflect itself and combined that into one photo. I like the way it turned out. You may not be able to see the detail as well in this web-sized version but to me, it looks like there are a couple of faces in the photo. In looking at it, I realized that I had not made the ends of the photo reflect that I'd intended to.

This is what I intended to do originally, to join the lighter ends. But I liked the way the trees came together in the original version so I kept it. I'm waiting for inspiration to come for this photo. In the meantime, I like it as it is. It almost looks like a set of pincers coming together, doesn't it?

Actually, I have a version in the works with a Jung quote on it but I am not sure that is what I want to use for this photo so I am keeping it under wraps for now.

Uncommon shapes, that's the theme for week six of the 52 Photos Project.


  1. I thought I was somewhat "mathematically minded", but had to look up the definition for "Mobius strip". Having done so, I can agree with your wording in the first picture and, by the way, I, too, see the "face". Thinking, though, I prefer the second picture, but unable to say why.......

    1. Thanks, Jim! I plan on doing something with the second photo, just don't yet know what!

  2. Nice reflections. Good subject for this week's photo challenge!

  3. Great subject, and I like what you've done with it. I prefer the second one too. The lighter color in the center guides the eye into the center of the photo, which feels more natural.

    1. Thanks! I agree, the lighter color does guide the eye into the center of the photo! I'll be doing something with this photo, not yet sure what!

  4. I like all three versions, and love your saying. Great capture, great play.

  5. I love the first picture because I can't, at first, work out what it is, I keep going back and forth to see the branch. Really lovely for the prompt.

  6. so glad hubby stopped...this scene is beautiful!!

    1. Thanks, Robin! The scene makes me happy every time I see it!

  7. What a beautiful place! Great choice for the 52 Photos theme.


Don't just sit there staring, say something!