
Thursday, April 24, 2014

Easter Wedding

Easter Sunday was also the day of my son’s best friend’s wedding,
a bittersweet event.
There were tears of joy, there were tears of grief and sadness.

People asked:
Why have a wedding on Easter Sunday?

Don’t they know people have other things to do on Easter Sunday?

Oh, how I love this young man. 

He hugged on me and loved on me and kissed me and patted my back 
and stomped his foot and said:
Dammit, he shoulda been here.

And we all cried at the poignant truth of his words.

Still, what better day than Easter Sunday to celebrate love and a new marriage?

There is so much good with the bad,
so much happiness with the sadness,
or maybe it's the other way around:
much bad with the good,
much sadness with the happiness,
I don't know.

What I do know is that life goes on.
Beautiful brides still smile as they hold the hands of their husband to be
and speak their vows of love.

Even as mourning mothers watch,
their eyes brimming with joy and sorrow.


  1. Oh Diane... it is poignant for certain.. but how beautiful and perhaps Tyler was there with all of you. I think it's wonderful to marry on Easter Sunday... New life.. the resurrection and beginning again. I'm so sorry this was hard for you. Someone much wiser than I said we only get one set of "firsts" after a loss... first holiday, first party, in this case first wedding... and then he said some things shift for us. I pray this holds something true for you as well.

  2. A perfect example of life goes on, happiness comes again. What a lovely couple they are. Thanks for sharing these moments of happiness with us, even tinged with sadness. He would have rejoiced in their happiness, and did, I suspect, and you did the right thing to be there and share the happiness. Look at the title of your blog. So appropriate.

  3. D. Lott Arellano10:53 AM, April 26, 2014

    Beautiful - people and words.

  4. (((((annie)))))) Looks like your son had a good friend there.


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