
Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Deja Vu`

For those of you who are not my friends on Facebook, and do not know, I was found to be anemic at my last check-up. That prompted the doctor to recommend that I have my colonoscopy in September (I was due to go in for it in October). They removed a couple of precancerous polyps and found a tumor inside my colon. I did blood work and a CT scan. The blood work was clear, the CT scan showed no swollen lymph nodes.

I was referred to MD Anderson in Houston. I had some trouble getting my records sent out in a timely fashion. For one thing, the radiologist who read the CT scan said there were no masses. When I asked about what the doctor that did the colonoscopy saw, they said they would have the radiologist reread the CT scan. Well, that took, like, forever, and the radiologist finally said the tumors just sometimes don't show up on scans. And by "forever," I mean, about a week. But when you know you are facing something like this, it can feel like forever while you're waiting on the paperwork to be shared.

In the meantime, MD Anderson, having not received all my paperwork, moved me to what they call an inactive list while waiting for the rest of my paperwork. Everything eventually got delivered and now I have an appointment at MD Anderson for Friday, October 10. And Monday, October 13. And Tuesday, October 14. Friday will be more blood work, an EKG, and another CT scan. Monday and Tuesday will be appointments with two different doctors. I hope when I leave on Tuesday, I will have a date with a surgeon.

I'll be in and out around here, I'm bringing my laptop with me. I'm also going to try and do something fun in Houston over the weekend.

I'd appreciate all the prayers and warm thoughts you can muster up!


  1. Ahhh...doctors. Necessary evils. Holding you in my heart through the next few days...

  2. Prayers and thoughts for you, annie.

    B12 deficiency seems to be happening in epidemic proportions this days! It's amazing how very important this little vitamin is to our entire well-being.

  3. You have all the positive vibes and good juju I gots, woman. And I'll be burning a candle or three for you as well.

  4. I empathize with your "dealing with the system", Annie. My wife recently underwent parathyroid surgery, suffers with four fractures in her spinal cord due to osteoporosis, and dealing with blood pressure bouncing back and forth from the from the attic to the basement. With all that getting older seems to encompass, being incorporated into a computer program that gives you test results (that are beyond your understanding), reminds you of appointments, and constantly sends surveys asking you to rate their service, you begin to feel like you're just another number marking off days, the only thing important to them being your insurance. Thank God for prayer and His assurance. Your name, as well, goes with me on those visits with Him....

  5. Thanks for the update, Annie. Still in my prayers..........


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