
Saturday, August 20, 2016

The Necessity of Self Care

It's been a rough and emotionally draining week. I haven't taken the time to do much in the way of self-care. I've been like a little hamster on a wheel, working hard not to fall off unaware that, in a way, it was my own feet that were moving me along too fast.

I discovered a new phone app and played with it a bit. I did a few things with it and this morning I spent a little time in my too crowded art room. I sent a long stream of consciousness style email to a friend, puking out most of the week's feelings and events. I created a snail mail card and wrote a note to another friend, sending her a secret she promises not to read. She's going to put it in a piece of her artwork (yes, I trust her). I included for her an old letter written by a service man in Germany to a woman in the states named Maude. I once worked in a place that had a bookkeeper named Maude.

 This is one of the photos I filtered with the new app. It's a drain square on the brick sidewalk where I walk each morning to get to my office. I've said this before, there are other ways I could enter my building. I like going this way because the walk somehow grounds me and prepares me for my day. It's a small sort of ritual. 

This is a group of playing cards I started altering a couple of years ago. I did the backgrounds all at once and I have been adding quotes and reminders on the cards. I have 44 done with about 12 left to go. I was shooting for 52 but I have 12 left without quotes so if I continue, I'll have extra. I'm thinking about picking one card a week and writing about whatever comes up when I see the card. Would any of you like to play along on something like that?

I did this one with a lettering app that offers free graphics every week. We call this plant hen and biddies. My aunt gave me a start, along with a couple of other plants, when I left her house after I finished done with radiation. Years ago, I kept many house plants in our home. Somehow I got out of the habit and it pleases me that these plants are doing so well. They are all in front of one sunny window right now but I hope some day to disperse them throughout the house. After the cancer, there is something poignant about growing and nurturing plants.

Yep, that's my two cents' worth for the day: Stay curious and don't forget to take care of yourself.

PS: I've run this piece of writing through the Hemingway editor website. You put in your writing and it calls you out for various things. I've edited this piece accordingly and now Hemingway editor's only two complaints are that 3 of my sentences are hard to read (suck it up reader, keep up or get left behind) and that I have 1 adverb. Hemingway editor is demanding that I remove it but I already reluctantly (take that, Hemingway editor) remove two adverbs and I don't see how I can remove "emotionally" from the description of my week, although maybe I could/should. What does the writing world have against adverbs (she asked plaintively)? I did not run this last paragraph through Hemingway editor. I don't need my sass to be be edited. Snail mail friend, I trust you implicitly.


  1. Your heart and your secrets are safe equally safe with me. Adverbs advance fiercely!!!!

  2. This is all kinds of fun! I love sassy you!

    I'm gonna have to try the Hemingway thing just out of curiosity. I love me some adverbs and intentionally over use them.

    Id love to play along on the writing challenge.

    Your quotidian rituals always spark my interest.

    1. The Hemingway thing is just plain fun, Rach! I'm glad you'll want to play along! I have to decide the when of it.

      Quotidian is such a lovely word!

  3. I'm glad you're creating and growing things and I love those cards! I'd like to play along (unobtrusively - from over here behind this tree) on the writing challenge. I need a shake-up and a redirect and putting things ON paper might be good. If I fail miserably, at least I can fold it into whimsical shapes.

    1. I like your back-up plan! I'll keep you posted. I think maybe September 1st would be a good day to start! I could call in "Thinking Thursday"! Maybe. As you can probably tell, my idea is not totally fleshed out yet (and I'm afraid to make a commitment in case I don't stick to it)!

  4. I don't see a thing wrong with adverbs. There wouldn't BE adverbs if we weren't supposed to use them, right? =) I love that you are growing plants inside your house again. I have some, and I need to get more that are neglect-resistant. I'm prone to over or under watering, but turns. =) Tennessee just confuses me, I did so much better growing things in Arizona! I love your grate photo. I might play along, depending on what comes up. Life is never static, is it?

    1. I'll post it here, Susan, when I decide to get it started! We can all ponder together, privately or publicly! I just planted a thing called a ZZ plant. It's supposed to be hard to kill! It broke off a plant in another office and I took it to my office and rooted it in water. I hope it survives!

  5. I love this. I have forgotten how to do self care I think.

    I would love to play along.

    1. Oh, girl, get back on that self-care horse! You deserve it! I'll keep you posted on the prompts!


Don't just sit there staring, say something!