
Thursday, December 08, 2016

Project Thoughtful Thursday, Week 15

I've been chatting with a friend on Facebook. I said I was going to bed but here I am writing a blog post. For one thing, tomorrow is week 15 of Project Thoughtful Thursday. For the other thing, tomorrow will make five years that my son has been gone. He's been very much on my mind lately. I read about another friend on Facebook who also lost a son, and how he usually takes the day off. When I read that, I asked myself why I couldn't be smart enough to do that for myself.

I have people whose hearts will be with me all day tomorrow. People in my face to face world, and people in my online world. Because of so many horrible things happening lately, most everybody is familiar with the quote where Fred Rogers told him to look for the helpers in times of trouble. On a very individual and personal level, that's what I've learned to do during the harder times of my grief. I'm very grateful for the people who will be holding me in their hearts on this day.

How serendipitous that the card for week 15 would be this Anne Frank quote about all the beauty left around me. It's true, there is still so much beauty. We can get so distracted by the darkness and the sadness and the tragedy.

My angel I'm working on for the painting class is coming along. I have a list of supplies I will be ordering on Friday. Part of the work we are supposed to be doing is listening to the whispers, the words our angels might be wanting us to hear. I think I hear mine saying, "Do not give up."

I'm trying very hard not to. I hope you are too. We need to be here to share our gifts with a hurting world.


  1. That is the perfect t for where we are right now. Thank you for the reminder.

    Hope you know I will be in your corner everyday, but especially today.

    1. I'm happy to help, and grateful to have you in my corner. Thank you!

  2. I am thankful you have not given up. If you had, I would not have learned so much. Love you. Holding your hand.

    1. I'm grateful to have you holding my hand. Love you!

  3. You are a present I get to unwrap again each day.

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you! A very merry Christmas to you and your family...

  5. I think you will not ever give up. You may fall back ten and punt sometimes, but you won't give up. Exactly because there is so much beauty left around you. Exactly because your son would not want that for you. Exactly because you are you. Now you have another year to gain strength. Hugs to you.

    1. Thanks, Susan! You've pretty well hit the nail on the head!


Don't just sit there staring, say something!