
Monday, November 06, 2017

Back Again

When I don't show up regularly for my blog, I forget what I've told and shown. I know I haven't told that I went to the Houston Quilt Show this past weekend. I'd been wanting to go, maybe almost since the first time they ever did the show. But then I went through a phase where I wasn't quilting/sewing and I lost interest in going, even though it was on my unofficial bucket list I keep inside my head.

I wanted mostly to go this year to try out different kinds of quilting machines because maybe one day owning a quilting machine is another item on my unofficial bucket list I keep inside my head. I got to try out several different kinds and brands. I was able to determine a couple of choices I did not want. I wasn't ready to buy but maybe eventually I will get one. I remain ever hopeful. And I can hope for years!

I thought, as we left the quilt show on Saturday afternoon that I'd seen it once and that was enough. Sunday morning, I thought how I'd like to go back next year. We shall see what I do.

Today at work I saw a student who reminded me a lot of my son. He had the same build my son had and the angularity of his face was similar. That brought on a deep yearning for my son. Yearning is a difficult and terrible feeling. I do miss him.

I found these blocks in my cedar chest. I could not remember sewing them together, much less buying the fabric. All that white, and the delicate look of the quilt is not my typical style. And yellow and pink combined? That's not me either. I do love paisleys so there is that. Maybe that what's drew me to this fabric choice.
My son was still alive when I started this quilt. I still had a disease free colon. I hadn't yet tasted cancer. Maybe this quilt was me back in the day, before these things, but I'm no longer anywhere near being this delicate in my present life. Frankly, sometimes I think of this as "soft me" and I think of my current self as my "not so soft me." Maybe I'll add a touch of gray to the borders of this quilt, maybe as a private symbol for me, to remind myself that I've been through some things and I've come out from those things a stronger person. There is still work to be done on this quilt, just as there is still work to be done on me, or growth to be had.


  1. I love this post. I used to be a pastel person. Now I am attracted to bright colours. If I didn't share a home with a person who has a distaste for 'funky colour combinations' (but will buy me funky things) I think my house would be decorated quite differently. My living room walls are painted in various shades of grey. Much love to you.

    1. Hi, Hope! I find myself drawn more to funky color combinations as I've grown older! But, yeah, things are pretty toned down in my house! Grey has been speaking a lot to me lately, particularly where the quilting is concerned!

  2. I just stumbled across this post. So glad I didn't miss it. I love how you are rediscovering these quilts and the memories. It's a powerful, physical remembrance.

    That Houston quilt show must be an amazing thing to see!

    1. I'm glad you stumbled across my post, Rach! I've enjoyed rediscovering my old projects and thinking about new ones!


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