
Tuesday, December 05, 2017

Grief Rituals

Grief often brings surprising little rituals. Rituals that help us cope with the changes in the lay of the ground we walk after a loved one has died. Every December, I go to the student art show and buy at least one piece of pottery to honor my son's memory. I started doing it in 2012 but it wasn't until 2014 that I realized I'd created a ritual of doing this. I can be dense at times!

This year there was a new color among the pieces--the color red. It stuck out more to me since they had several pieces of that color displayed together. And when I saw the red pieces all gathered together, I knew what my color choice would be. All I had to do was figure out which piece I was going to buy. The choice comes down to price and personal aesthetics. There was a lovely red platter that appealed to me, but the price was too steep for me.

After much debating with myself, I ended up with this red bowl. You can just barely see the lighter color at the top edge. It's basically half red and half that lighter color.
Some years, I go later in the day and there isn't much left to choose from. I went early this year and they had plenty of mugs for sale. That big red platter (shallow bowl?) in the upper right corner of the photo was the one calling my name. But because of my budgetary constraints, I resisted its siren call.
Here is a sepia tone version of the photo.

Friday will be the sixth year. It doesn't seem possible. Now there are more smiles and laughter at the memories, and fewer tears. I'm grateful.


  1. I'm glad the tears are a little less. This is such a cool ritual. I love how you find meaning in the ordinary.

    1. Sometimes I feel simple minded for finding meaning in the ordinary. Sometimes I think that is just something stupid my head tells me!

  2. I love the red colour. Have you read any of Sue Bender's books? I think they might speak to you.

    1. I had one of her books on my scattered "to read" list. I think it was the one about going among the Amish. I will now look for copies of her books! I checked my library this afternoon and requested them to purchase something she has written. Sometimes that works for me and sometimes it doesn't!

  3. I love your ritual. I also love the piece you picked out for me. It sits with all of my pieces and tribe and it makes me happy. The platter is beautiful. I love bowl you picked because it looks like it could hold things and keep them safe.

    1. I'm glad you like the one I picked for you! The platter was $75! I thought that was a little high myself but it was very well done! I like the bowl to--a vessel to be filled.

  4. I love the red and I love that you are still going and I love you, my friend.

    1. Thank you! I love you too, friend. And I miss your fiercely, more especially when I myself have to be brave and fierce. You are an encourager and an example to me.


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