
Thursday, September 14, 2006


For My Friend AMDP --

I made this a few months ago with my friend AMDP in mind (Thanks, AMDP, for introducing me to the Joan Anderson’s writings). She is one of only two of my “real life” friends who know about this blog. I think AMDP reads fairly regularly and sometimes checks out a few of the blogs on my blogroll list. Though we do not see each other often, we have managed to keep in touch with each other in our own haphazard fashion through nearly thirty years (Gasp! Has it really been that long?).

So, A, if you're reading, this one prints up real well. I can send you a copy if you'd like.

Little did I know when I was creating this that I would be taking my own bold and scary leap of faith.

It all began one morning at work when my husband called and said they wanted to do something for him, and they had intended to talk to him earlier, but didn't, and now, they had to have an answer today, this very afternoon.

Do you know how hard it is to commit to a week-long trip when things are so unsettled at home? Do you know how badly I needed to get away (and hubby too). My heart was saying "thank you God" as I told my husband I would have to think about it and call him back. Actually, about all I could say out loud was "Wow". I got off the phone and called my "guide for proper motherly behaviour", my own mother, and asked her what she thought. She said go for it. I called my older daughter and she said basically the same thing. I was worried that I was being selfish, because things are unsettled with my son (though he is in a protected place at the moment). The last few years have been such a battle, for many reasons, and I can certainly use the break.

I just never expected that my ship would come in in such an unexpected way, but it has, and it is mine, all mine, at least for the week of October 15 - 22! We're goin' on a cruise! We're taking in the Southern Caribbean on the Adventure of the Seas! I am so excited. I am so very grateful.

I plan to take gobs of photos. I plan to read and write. I plan to get up and see the sun rise at least once or twice. I plan to bring lots of sunscreen. I plan to spend some quality time visiting with God on that great big ocean of His.

In the meantime, I will be packing and praying that things will remain calm enough around here so that I am not worried with what I am leaving behind. (I am also praying that through some fluke, we might get a cabin, room, (what do they call those things--quarters??) with a view of the ocean (and a balcony) that would be a miracle! Truth is, as long as I am not under the water line, or at least, blissfully unaware of it, I will be grateful. (Jim, do NOT tell me any different!)

(And please, God, no hurricanes. Leastwise, not while I am on the boat, I mean, ship.)


  1. Those cruise ships are so big, it would take a double hurricane to jolt it in any way, Annie. Close to an aircraft carrier, I guess. I never did want to be one of those, but only because getting off to go on liberty was like trying to evacuate NYC. I can't tell you much about this sort of cruise. I've never been on one. I can tell you, though, that if you've never been so far out that you can't see land, it's another world out there. A great place to collect your thoughts, find some peace, and rejuvenate, both with your husband and with the Lord. Have fun, my friend!.....

  2. How great for you, Annie! A cruise-how romantic...
    You deserve this time, Annie, or else it would not have happened the way it did- it was meant to be and you are saying "yes" to it- good for you!

  3. Annie - I was beaming as I read this - so happy for you!

    God will meet you there, I am sure of it. Praying that your heart's desires will come true. Go with God and have a wonderful time!

  4. That's so cool! I'm really glad you decided to go for it. We'll all enjoy it vicariously through you. Can't wait to see your pictures.

    (I'm looking at my little "leap card" even now as I type this. It lives on my computer.)

  5. Wonderful! Can't wait to see your photos! (I'm remembering the parade-butt series and am wondering if a cruise-ship-butt series is in the future... wasn't that you???)

  6. I am so very happy for you! The Carribean is gorgeous! You go and have the time of your life, Annie. You so so so deserve it!

  7. Too late to make an original comment, I can only add my "Amen" to the posts of others. We will indeed be watching for photos--AFTER you get back and have rested from the resting.

  8. Thanks everybody, I am very much looking forward to a peaceful and renewing trip.

    In addition to all the beautiful scenery, I'm sure I'll have some fun as I surreptiously snap photos for a cruise-ship-butt series!

  9. well, as usual I am bringing up the my own defense I tried to post last night and couldn't.
    I know you will have a wonderful trip......much deserved and needed. I bet you will get some great butt shots out by the pool!! Looking forward to those!
    I like the photo you did's great as continue to amaze me.

  10. Ah, Ayekah, bringing up the rear, are you? Better watch out, I might be following behind with a camera!!

  11. better have that puppy set on micro, because my behind has gone to wherever our bodies transcend to after the disappearing socks..ha!

  12. Toss a prayer over the side of the ship and I will let you know if I see it float in.

    Good for you.

  13. YAY!!!!! Yay yay yay for you!!!!


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