
Monday, September 11, 2006

So Much Pain in This World


  1. mdame too.......Amen..........

  2. Listened to your audio last night and enjoyed being able to attach a voice to our blog encounter. How do I manage from time to time, when I check here on a daily basis, to pull this cite up and find two or three new entries?...

  3. Jim I deliberately put two posts close together when I did the audio blog, leaving myself an "out" in case I decided to "pull the plug" on my audio debut!

  4. Now why would you be looking for an "out"? I particularly liked your description of the first boyfriend.......

  5. We are going to NYC in November. I haven't been there since it happened.

  6. Jim, I was not sure I would leave the audio posts up...and now I am thinking of doing a few more of them sometime...go figure...

    Patti I am sure NYC will long feel the pain of that day. We can mourn it from afar, but it is not the same as living with the daily reminder of such destruction.


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