
Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Remembering Christmas

If I have your address, you probably received this card in the mail by now (if you'd like to receice a card next year, send me your snail mail address and I will put you on my list). The photo is a little different. I played in Photoshop a bit and I really like the results, even though the changes I made were quite subtle and very simple.

A very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of you...

Christmas-that magic blanket
that wraps itself about us,
that something so intangible
that it is like a fragrance.
It may weave a spell of nostalgia.

Christmas may be a day of feasting,
or of prayer, but always it will be
a day of remembrance--
a day in which we think of everything
we have ever loved.
--Augusta E. Rundell


  1. I love my card, it's just beautiful and the picture here doesn't do it proper justice! :) You are so good!

  2. I love my card, too. Merry Christmas to you!

  3. Hope your Christmas was full of warmth and good memories, Annie. Now this seven day walk toward the click of the calendar. He puts life into all that we are, though, as we go forward in Him. Peace, my friend...

  4. Thanks Ayekah!

    Thanks Hope! I'm glad it made it through all the cold weather!

    JimWe did have a good Christmas, Jim. Hope you did too. Thanks so much...

  5. i love my card which is right by the television set, which seems wrong, but i can look at it all the time :)

    hope your holidays were happy, dear one...

  6. I hope you had a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!

  7. i am sending you an email, dear heart :)

  8. ~m2~ I'm so glad you like your card. I got your email and will respond soon. Thanks...

    Linda Yes, we had a great Christmas! How about you?

  9. Annie,
    I received the card and was delighted. Such a beautiful angel creation. Makes my heart smile when I see it!

  10. I loved my card, but I loved all your sticky notes and explanations of how it got re-routed even more. haha! Hope your holidays were happy and here's wishing you an uneventful new year. haha!


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