
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A Moving Experience

An amazing video followed by a thought-provoking quote, something to ponder as we welcome the New Year....

"Night is drawing nigh. How long the road is. But, for all the time the journey has already taken, how you have needed every second of it." --Dag Hammarskjold


  1. We have one here locally labelled "the smallest church in the world" that stood down in Covington forever before they loaded it up and moved it out to the suburbs, a college campus. It, in no way, however, presented the challenge of what I just witnessed......

  2. Jim It's just amazing to me that they can do this without tearing something up! There are several other "moving" videos on the site with this one. I intend to go check them out when I have a little time!

  3. Here I am wasting my time watching cool music video's on youtube and you're finding these things. I gotta tell you though, I think it was a little anti-climatic. Maybe it's just me. Happy New Year!!

  4. Oh cool Annie. Must've been a heck of a thing to parallel park though!

    Happy New Year!

  5. Ayekah I think one of the big fascinations for me was the fact that you could see everything so well from the aerial view. If that were done in Louisiana, there would likely be gobs of pine trees blocking the view...but you can bet there would be some old lady (probably me, no doubt!) saying "I bet the world thinks we are a bunch of hicks!" And the color was gorgeous. But now that you mention, maybe it was an abrupt ending! I kind of would have liked to have seen more. Heck, I'd like to have been riding in the church, looking out the window and taking pictures!

    Mich I would not even want to try and parallel park that thing! Happy New Year to you too!

  6. Agreed on that one......I kept thinking must be like Nebraska or Kansas...not a tree in site. Here where I live you can't see the horizon because we're so heavily treed. And you're right about the ending...I kept waiting for the "punch line" so to speak.

  7. Awesome! Especially the quote.

  8. Ayekah I've never seen such land, where there are no trees for miles and miles like that.

    Hey Patti Glad to see you around! I like the quote a lot too (and dang if it isn't true, for me at least!). I might add it to my profile section.

  9. Oh, I think it is just amazing how they move those buildings. I didn't think the video was real at first ... and then I just said "wow". And then those sopranos hit those impossible high notes and I think I said "wow" again...

  10. Well that was just neat. Thanks for sharing!


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