
Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Different Pathways

Today's 52 Photos Project prompt is "A Different Pathway." Someone offered the quote above in their comments on the 52 Photos Project blog. It spoke to me in a deep way. There are so many ways I've done exactly this--dreamed of new paths and yet, still continue to walk the old ones.

But there are also many new paths I am traveling on. Being open about my grief and not hiding it away is one of the the new paths I walk. Trying "new to me" spiritual practices is another. Working on our beloved "Little House" in the country is another new and scary path. Seeking the company of like-minded creative people is yet another new path I've begun to walk. I've joined a Facebook group where we will be taking a year to work through Julia Cameron's book, The Artist Way. I've found a small group of photographers participating in various "photo adventure" excursions and I'm slowly building a few bonds there, making plans to meet up locally to take pictures.

We met up last Sunday evening and took pictures at the St. Charles College in Grand Coteau. They are remodeling the facilities so we were limited to photographing the grounds, the big yellow barn and the cemeteries. I saw on the website they have a labyrinth but I did not see that when we were there. I would have liked to have gotten photographs of that. Maybe another day! I had a good time and got some good pictures. I've posted a few of them below. There may be more to come.

(In case you're wondering, the ladder looking thing in the photo above is a stile. We had to climb over that to get into the pasture where the barn was located. We only actually saw a couple of young calves but we saw plenty of evidence on the ground that indicated cows still hung around in that pasture. And the fences were electric. The photographer who had set this all up remembered to tell us this later, after I'd already observed the little connector things and had made my own mental note not to touch the fence!)

The barn was huge! We were not able to go inside but there was still plenty to see.

This is the back of the barn. There was a feeding area and a water trough behind me.

A corner at the back of the barn.

One of the many doors.

One of my favorite photos of the day.

There were many more photos of other things. But these are the best of the big yellow barn.


  1. Denise: "I'm going to let go of XYZ and get on with things. Tomorrow is a fresh start!" Repeat, ad nauseum. :P

    Just keep swimming...


    1. I'm grateful for fresh starts, D! Guess I will keep on swimming! :)

  2. Your new path will bring you to beautiful places.
    I'm sure of it.
    Love your photos.

  3. you are brave walking all these new paths...good for you!
    love the photos of that fabulous yellow barn!

  4. success to you in finding yourself through you many paths forward ...
    and they are great captures!

  5. Annie, I just bought that book by Julia Cameron. Send me the info on the FB thing, k?

    1. Julia, I sent the info to your FB message.

  6. i love all the pathways you are following with your heart. Doing the Artist's Way as a group on Facebook sounds good. I have a couple local art groups I meet with and they really keep me going. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a kind comment.

    1. Cheryl, thanks! I will send you info on the Artist's Way group. I love that you have local groups to meet with. I'd like to find that around here.

  7. Yes, very nice photos of the barn, great.

  8. Love that last photo SO MUCH. The texture is incredible.

    You are a talented woman. God has given you a gift to SEE. I am grateful that you are using it; and sharing it.

    blessings -

    1. Oh, Beth, thank you for the affirming words!

  9. I love your photos of the old barns. Very nice.

  10. I love old barns. My husband used to love photographing them. These pictures are great, and I love the stile.

    1. Thank you! I hope you still have his barn photos!


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