
Monday, October 22, 2012


(My contribution to Gallery 26 of the 52 Photos Project, Golden.)

Golden is the news that the doctor only found one polyp today during my colonoscopy. She removed it and sent it away for testing but she was confident enough today to say that I would not have to come back for two years! Year one of being cancer free has passed!

I've been thinking a lot about what might have been and about the ramifications of what bad news might have had on my life. I've been thinking a lot about death and dying and priorities and using my remaining time wisely. I do need to make some changes. First I need to figure out how to move from thinking to doing. 

But for today, I am savoring the good news with gratitude.


  1. such a golden opportunity to live a life filled with hope! --- April

    1. Indeed! I was very thankful for the news!

  2. Lovely to have that good news and a beautiful golden image.

  3. I love what you did with the photograph. It is very life-like with bright spots against a darkness. I'm so happy for the bright spot of your medical news today! I know that the older I become, the more I contemplate death and dying, not for any particular reason, but because I constantly am more aware that it happens to us all and my turn is closer than it once seemed. I think about whether I've used my life to improve anyone else's and hope that I have, and fear that I haven't. I want to concentrate on those bright spots, and ignore the darkness behind. =)

    1. Thank you!

      I'm right there with you, wondering about whether I have used my life well, and wanting to do better with the time I have left!

  4. Real gold! I especially love the soft blur in the edges, which accentuates the softness of the blossoms ...

  5. Magical image! Love the processing!
    As a survivor (almost 30 years!) I have learned that each moment is golden and experiencing each one with an attitude of gratitude are the keys to hope and a good life! *hugs* Congrats on year one!!

    1. Thank you, Janet! Glad you hear of your long survival!

  6. ((((Annie)))) Such good news!

  7. I am so happy to hear your good news.
    I am loving your photo.

  8. I was - and still am - visualizing healthy pink tissue and seeing you glowing. Let's make our changes and be annoyingly health conscious... to the point that we make everyone else sick of us. Deal?


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. In my imaginary world, D, I am strong and making the changes--have not been able to make it real yet.

    3. I think it can be difficult to make the changes unless you can imagine them first, so you're on the right track. We'll get there.


  9. Good to hear about a good report, Annie. Your list of comments here just keeps growing! That's good, too. Your pictures and thoughts always make this a pleasant place to visit.

    1. Thanks so much, Jim! Glad you enjoy the visits!

  10. Replies
    1. Thank you again! Yes, the news was very good to hear!

  11. awesomely fantastic news!!! And that picture is gorgeous...looks like the flowers are floating.


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