
Friday, October 26, 2012


I took a couple of days off to come to the country and celebrate the fact that it looks like I am going to live a little longer.

My husband has been away participating I high school reunion activities so that has left me with some free time. I spent the morning and early afternoon cutting pictures from magazines and making collages in my journal. The photo below is one from my journal that I enhanced. I've had quiet music going in the background and the experience has been refreshing. I'd been neglecting my "alone time."

I've been thinking a lot about life and death this past year. We are none given any guarantees of a long life and yet we so often live as though that is a given. I want so badly to live more fully and yet I have this terrible tendency toward waste. It is so often so difficult to carry what I feel in these quiet places out into my every day world.

Here is where I should have a nice little "concluding paragraph" that neatly sums everything up or lays out a plan to correct my direction towards waste. Well, guess what? I don't exactly have an answer. Yet. For now I think I will grab my camera and head for the woods.

(For sure, small changes have come about, and there will be more. For one thing, before the "opening up" of the last year, I never would have written something so candid and vulnerable as this here.)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Good to find you "alive"! I had to click on your picture to read the words and then, for whatever reason, found myself thinking of the Father in the one chair to the siode, Christ in the other, and you in the middle with the Holy Ghost. Don't know if you are a reader; but, if so, you might enjoy that Richard Rohr book I've been re-exploring, "Everything Belongs".

    1. Thanks, Jim! I have read "Everything Belongs" and several other things by Richard Rohr. I do like his writing. I'm planning on looking at "Everything Belongs" again soon. I have so many things piled up waiting for my attention. I probably should read more and internet less!

  2. I'm glad you're still hanging around too... sometimes I feel the same way, like I somehow cheat the hangman. It works for me. I think you said it perfectly that there is no great conclusion or answer as to how to realign things... because I don't know there is one... I think it's what we manage to do every day.
    I'm proud of you for your sharing.... this is a beautiful thing. xoxox

    1. Thank you, Lori! I do usually end up thinking it is something we must do one day at a time. I'm so glad you are managing to cheat the hangman! <3

  3. I keep trying to convince people that "making it to retirement" is NOT the way to live...but it's so hard to get them to understand. Until you've had your own eye-opening jolt you really can't fully comprehend what it means to live for today. You and I, for better or worse, have had that jolt. The good news is - we have it behind us now.


Don't just sit there staring, say something!