
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Thoughts on New Year's Eve

I thought I'd surely write more on this journey, but things were a bit wobbly at first. I'm slowly settling into the routine of cancer fighting while simultaneously trying to continue living a worthwhile life! I've had my second chemo treatment, suffered through several days of nausea and am now feeling a little better and thinking about the coming year.

I guess I have not said it here, but I will be having chemo in Houston every other Friday for six months, twelve treatments in all. So the first half of my new year will be somewhat consumed with getting well. But I want more in my life than just fighting cancer. I know I want to live less wastefully. And with more awareness and intention. I want to live deliberately. I don't yet know exactly how that will look in the coming year.

Practically speaking, my house is a wreck. I want to clear some things out and lighten things up. I want to make room for serenity in my home. I want to fix some things that have been broken for a very long time. I am speaking both literally and metaphorically. 

I want time for creativity and art making. I want to do small kindnesses for others in ways that only I can do. I always have such good intentions. I want to make good actions.

I want simplicity. I want to take better care of myself. I want small rituals and consistent routines in my life.

I want less of my time spent mindlessly perusing Facebook!

I want to blog more.

Most of all, I want to live several more years. Cancer free, please.

That's all I have for now. 

A very Happy New Year to each of you....


  1. Those are some excellent goals. I wish you the time and energy and inspiration that you need.

  2. OMG I could have written this. I am going to work on the same things...well, other than that chemo part.

    I understand the facebook part....but...that is where I connect with all of you.

    1. We will work together, Mindy...well, other than that chemo part! :)

      I agree, Facebook is a necessary evil!

  3. I want to hear from you as you choose from your list. I look forward to hearing how you clear out, create, and compassionately live.

    1. Thanks, Cyn! I hope to be posting more often.

  4. Hey there, annie.

    Good to "see" you. Happy and prosperous 2015!

    1. Hi, Daisy! Feels good to be back! Happy New Year to you!

  5. Good words spoken here. Words of hope, and life, and His Spirit with you in this path before you. In Him, we go with you, Annie. So good to connect in this manner again.........

    1. Thanks, Jim! It's good to be back in touch!

  6. You already are well, Diane. You are. I loved this post because it's raw, honest and like Mindy said, we can all be needing these very same things in our lives.
    I know how strong you are deep down and I know you will do exactly what you set out to do. It's that one small first that sets us in motion. That's an awesome and powerful thing.

    1. Thanks, Lori! I keep having to remind myself, "baby steps, baby steps"!

  7. I want you to have all the things you want. That would make me happy. <3

    p.s. Happy to see you posting again.

  8. Thank you, Denise! It felt good to post again. My goodness, I have been at this for ten years now!


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