Tonight I've been laying around with layers and textures in PSE. I really want to learn more about using masks but it is proving to be difficult for me. I remember I had a tough time grasping the concept even when I was in school and taking a Photoshop class.
These are tangled leaves skewered on a stick that I saw on my last walk on my trail in the woods. Black and white with a little bit of light on them, possibly proving there is always at least a tiny bit of light available. My art room has been under siege for months now. First we moved a dresser out from there up to the country. That meant I had things emptied out all over the bed. Then my youngest had a couple of friends who stayed several nights in there. That meant my things got emptied out all over the desk and the floor and whatever smooth surface there was available. I got back in there and started trying to organize things a bit. I found a venomous "love letter" note. It is based on a template I got from a substance abuse counselor, basically you work through several emotions and it tends to end up positively. At first I didn't know to whom the note was addressed but I finally figured it out. I hadn't put a date on it, either. I finally figured out who I was writing to but I still don't have a clue as to when I wrote it!
Then I found scraps of paper with half-written poem ideas on them. One was a haiku that went like this:
Waves roll, wash footprints
away. Memories remain,
sparkle like sea glass.