Friday, April 14, 2006

The House?? What House??

(It's not quite ready for company. But progress was made.)

I intentionally stopped myself from trying to compose blog posts while I was away. I needed to concentrate on where I was in my real life. Consequently, now I have no brilliant post to mark my re-entry into blogland. Several things happened while I was away that I might have written about, had I been writing….

March 24th marked the six-month anniversary of Rita’s passing. There are still reminders all around. The sun makes interesting shadows through the holes in our fence.

The cedar tree in the back yard was finally completely cut down and hauled away. Only the stump remains.
They finished putting our new roof on yesterday. Goodbye blue tarp!

The church I have been visiting moved back into their sanctuary a couple of weeks ago. The stained glass windows that were carried over from the original building built back in the 60s did not survive the storm. Last Sunday I noticed the lack of sunlight streaming through the east and west corners of the ceiling, saw the solid wall, and grieved the absence of those windows. Alas, loss is a part of life. We count the loss, we grieve, and, hopefully, we move on, because there is always something left to inspire our gratitude.

The buttercups are blooming! I love buttercups. They remind me of my childhood.
More later.

Enjoy Easter.


  1. Annie, it is so good to have you back. Did you save chunks of cedar to place in your dresser drawers? And congratulations on the roof! Welcome back to blogland.

  2. Annie, you don't know how good it is to find you up and posting here again. Beth and I have been to Pensacola a few days in the interim and are planning another short visit the first part of June to see my adopted granddaughter get married. Congratulations on a little bit of "normality" returning to your life via the roof over your head. Have a great Easter weekend, my friend......

  3. Yeah Annie..........hooray, you are I have something to do.....(read your blog) I am glad your roof is on keeping the proverbial lid on things so to speak. The flowers are lovely. You inspire me to get out with my camera again. Everything is so green here, and flowers are starting to bloom.
    Have a Blessed Easter!

  4. And thanks for the birthday greeting you posted on my blog. Yeah, I guess I came along exactly 48 years after your grandfather. Well, Happy Birthday to him in memoriam.

  5. Hey you guys!Thanks for the welcome back. I am glad to be here again.

  6. i am thrilled you are back too, sister :) happy Easter!


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