Thursday, November 17, 2005

Wisdom Lurks In My Shadow


  1. you have a very nice shadow, Annie, if only even my shadow were wise.........:)

  2. Merton is good wherever you find him. Just now catching your pictures on the last post. I don't do a lot of TV, don't take the newspaper; but I'd swear there's been very little coverage up this way given to Rita's devastation and even Katrina has become "old news". Our church yet has teams scheduled to go down and work. One coming up in January, if I'm not mistaken. You wonder, though, knowing that such tragedy doesn't just heal overnight.........

  3. Is ther any way I could get a copy to post in my cassroom? You should market your art. It's stunning.

  4. That is one thought provoking photo.

  5. These things you do with a camera and a computer are incredible. Real art. Thought about publishing?

  6. what a great photo :)

  7. I really love this!

    Glad you are continuing to create!


Don't just sit there staring, say something!