Friday, August 29, 2008

Gustav Update

We expect to hear sometime tomorrow whether we will have a mandatory evacuation. If it is mandatory, we will evacuate. We have 72 hours after they give the announcement to leave. We will be heading to the country again, about 75 miles away from here. Man, I hope we don't have to leave. The thought of getting in that line of traffic and taking over 8 hours to travel 75 miles...well, I suppose I speak for the entire Gulf coast when I say none of us wants to do any of this again. But we will, if need be.


  1. I'm praying for ya, girl! I know how unnerving these things can be.

  2. I'm in FL so I know the constant threats of hurricanes and how exhausting that can be. My thoughts and prayers are with you too!

  3. When Rita was to hit, and they *tried* to evacuate Houston, it took my sister and family... gosh... I don't even recall how many hours it was to drive what is usually a 2 hour drive for them... I think it was well over 12 hours. They swore right then and there, they would never do it again. So now I worry about them doing something stupid like NOT going if they should. Problem is, they are down in Clear Lake, which would be one of the hardest hit areas for various reasons. I hope I don't have to do down there and knock some sense into her... And I hope things come out ok for you guys as well. Keep in touch; you know we will worry!

  4. In my prayers, Annie. My pastor in Pensacola is making preparations for his family, but once again has opted to ride it out because of so many widows and single within his congregation...

  5. Praying... I know the anticipation and waiting to know what is going to happen is difficult.

  6. Been thinking about you all weekend. Why don't you come hang out here for a week. The hurricane is supposed to suck all the moisture out of our atmosphere and we won't even get any rain.

    I have an extra bedroom...and an air mattress!

  7. Thanks to all of you for your prayers and concerns. Now we wait and see what happens.


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