Friday, November 09, 2007


We close early on Fridays. I am always so glad to escape the confines of that office at the end of the week!

It was a tough week on a personal level so I was extra glad to come home. My sixteen year old has been struggling with school and with depression. I think she is doing better now, but sure as I say that, there will be some kind of super hormone charged release of emotion this weekend! She and I are heading to Houston tomorrow. The drive will give us some time to visit if we can agree on the music!

I love this photo, now. I took it after a strong wind had come through and the fence was full of leaves that had gotten stuck in it. It really was a crappy photo to begin with and I had to fiddle with it a bit before adding my words.

Day 9: Sometimes it gets complicated but I am thankful for my entangled, connected and messy life.

1 comment:

Don't just sit there staring, say something!