Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Spider's Web

I was letting the dog out this morning and noticed more spider webs in the tree. I used the flash on this one.

Day 20: Thankful for eyes to see.


  1. Oh that is beautiful!

    I think it will end up as art...am I right??

  2. You caught it beautifully Annie. Spider webs are so hard for me...maybe I need to try the flash thing.

    I saw a photo of a spider web the other day (online somewhere) where the guy got in really close and then shot it at like a 30 degree angle. Wow...it was stunning. The lines of the web seemed to stretch into infinity! Try that next time and see what you get.

  3. Came over from Wyld's and am glad to see your 30 Days of Thanks. Looks interesting.

  4. Ooooh.... yes, I can see this becoming a piece of Annie-art for sure! ;-) Great photo!

  5. Mindy Maybe!

    Jules Thanks for the tip. I was at a slight angle with this one. I can see where more of an angle would skew things to make the lines look like they go on forever. I'll have to remember that next time.

    Jan Glad to see you here.


    Linda Thanks. Annie-art?! We shall see!


Don't just sit there staring, say something!